Our Pride, Passion & Family
Breeders of
60 Champions Worldwide
50 So. Africa, 17 Australia, 1 NZ, 4 USA, 1 Zimbabwe, and 1 Phillipenes.
“Welcome To Our Passion... ZERACIOUS is our prefix.
A made-up word from ‘coetZER’ + ‘TenACIOUS’ (a SBTs characteristic).”
Our main objective is to improve on the dogs we have by comparing breed-type virtues based on what the Staffordshire Breed Standard calls for. Our love for Staffords started when Griet grew up with 'cross-breeds' as a child, and fell in love with the typical personality of the breed as we know it today.
Cash at about 6 months of age.
Cash at about 2 years of age.
“You get SHOW DOG BREEDERS (like us), who breed to improve their stock so they can be competitive in the show ring (the pups that don’t make the ring become available for suitable families) and FARMERS who breed dogs for public demand and/or a fashion to generate them an income.
SHOW DOG BREEDERS: Care where there pups live and how they are treated. You will have to demonstrate you are a good fit for their pup.
FARMERS: Generally, Don’t care about the pup’s future and hope to never see it again. If you can pay (preferrably in advance) - you get the pup.
Hopefully, you can imagine that SHOW DOG BREEDERS and FARMERS think very differently when they actually select their breeding pair for these reasons - Choose wisely!”
Briefly, I believe there are 3 kinds of people in dog breeding you should be mindful of:
The breeder who is pressurizing you into a sale. This individual see a business opportunity by exploiting a popular breed and/or characteristic within a breed (we see this in particular to the colours ‘Blue and Merle’).
The bragging type. This breeder is on an ego-trip. They will do their best to impress you with statistics and records and throw around the words ‘champion lines’ loosely.
The breeder who care about type, health and lifestyle. This breeder breed to improve their stock (at all times), for the betterment of breed type and general health. In other words as a breed enthusiast. This person make their breeding decisions based on the breed standard and health testing. They will be concerned how the animal will be kept, and the lifestyle it will have. Be understanding, supportive and show interest for the life of the animal. This breeder will most likely take part in dog hobbies, such as agility, confirmation showing, judging, fly-ball, etc.
Some registration bodies are not the real deal either. The Australian Kennel Club is for pure-bred dogs and each state have an affiliate body. Our dogs are registered with Dogs NSW in NSW.
SEE BELOW about Pure-bred Pedigrees.
Obtaining a puppy is a 10-15 year commitment and it should not be taken lightly!!!
Tony at about 3 years of age.
Tony at about 9 years of age.
The is only one PURE BRED Registrar under the Australian Kennel Club control in NSW, which is Dogs NSW. There are additional institutions shooting up claiming to be the same but they are not recognised. To check if the pedigrees of the parents and the pups are legit - the pedigree must be generated by Dogs NSW in NSW.
There are two kinds of pure-bred Pedigrees issued by Dogs NSW:
1. Limited (The Orange coloured Pedigree certificate - can only be a pet - such dog can not be shown or bred from)
2. Main (The Blue Pedigree certificate - can be bred, and/or shown - providing it’s worthy)