USA Champions
"Someone once said that quality was what no-one could describe but everyone wanted! Call it class, refinement or whatever, but when you see it, you will recognise it. It is the difference between a good dog and A GREAT DOG!"
We have been fortunate enough to have bred and owned some GREAT DOGS.
US / RSA CH Zeracious Star Studded (Vista) - Bitch Record Holder (see RSA page).
US / RSA CH Zeracious Zero To Hero (Ullie). Lynn Heimbuch
US CH Zeracious Terrifi
USA CH Zeracious Stars And Stripes (Marley).
Imported to Australia but sadly spayed due to pyometra.
US GRAND / RSA CH Zeracious Met Eish at Classystaffys (Eish). Lynn Heimbuch